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Asian Network Fund

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$3,530.62 raised of $3,135.00 goal

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Donations to this fund will support organizations that create advancement opportunities and support services for the Asian community including, but not limited to, racial discrimination, domestic violence, education and health.

Your Donation Supports

Asian Americans United

Established in 1985, Asian Americans United exists so that peopleof Asian ancestry in Philadelphia exercise leadership to build theircommunities and unite to challenge oppression.

Ascend Foundation Inc

Established in 2005, Ascend has become the largest, non-profit Pan-Asian organization for business professionals in North America. Their robust professional development and career enhancement are geared to cultivate Pan-Asian talent. As of today, Ascend has reached over 60,000 people throughout the United States and Canada. They strive to connect Pan-Asian leaders across industries through a network of seasoned professionals and emerging leaders.

Sakhi For South Asian Survivors

Sakhi for South Asian Women is an anti-domestic violence organization that works with the South Asian community. They are committed to represent the South Asian diaspora in a survivor-led movement for gender-justice and to honor survivors of violence. Sakhi is recognized as a model for gender justice and a resilient community partner.

Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund

The Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund is focused on protecting and promoting the civil rights of Asian Americans. They are assisted by over 300 volunteers, including pro bono attorneys, community workers, and students to resolve critical issues affecting Asian Americans. Some of AALDEF work includes, training students in public interest law, provide legal resources for community-based organizations, and litigate cases that have major impacts on the Asian American community.

Asian Americans Advancing Justice l AAJC

Asian American Advancing Justice is an affiliation of five organizations advocating for the civil and human rights of Asian Americans. They focus on empowering Asian Americans and use legal advocacy to influence key civil rights issues that have a significant impact on the communities. AAJC encouranges the Asian American community to build and promote a fair and equitable society for all.

Asian Network Fund

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Human Rights
Your donation supports the pool of 5 nonprofits

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